This is the first year of Wartburg Central High School having a cross country team. It consists of regular meets where each school brings individual runners that run a common course aiming for their best times. The courses are off-road, natural surfaces that are run as a test of endurance and perseverance. They incorporate hills and valleys and a variety of terrains. The standard race for high school cross country is 5K (3.1 miles), but the distances may vary slightly depending on the location throughout the regular season. Championship races will always be 5K.
If you'd like to learn more about joining the cross country team - there is plenty of room on the roster! Email a coach here!
Quick Links:
Coaches - Runners - Stats/Times - Calendar - Race Re-Caps
If you'd like to learn more about joining the cross country team - there is plenty of room on the roster! Email a coach here!
Quick Links:
Coaches - Runners - Stats/Times - Calendar - Race Re-Caps